Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On Marriage Equality - The Catholic Church - incl the hierarchy - Holds Diverse Views

Berlin Cardinal Re-Affirms His Support for Lesbian and Gay Relationships

In Catholic on July 10, 2012 at 9:34 am

Cardinal Rainer Woelki of Berlin has re-affirmed his support for same-sex relationships which he made at a German conference of Catholic lay people back in May.

London’s Tablet magazine, an international Catholic periodical, reports:
“The Church must rethink its approach to remarried divorcees and gay relationships, the world’s youngest cardinal has said.
“Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, 55, made his comments in an interview with the German weekly Die Zeit and said that while the Orthodox Church considers only the first marriage sacramentally valid, divorce and a second marriage is tolerated. Asked whether this could be a model for the Catholic Church, he replied that the Church should talk about it.
Commenting on gay men in relationships he said he tried not to see them as just violating natural law but as people trying to take responsibility for each other in lasting partnerships. ‘We must find a way of allowing people to live without going against church teaching,’ he said.”

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