Friday, December 7, 2012
David Marks - (1) hostile to immigrants (2) anti-education (3) abusive of his public trust; that's 3 strikes.
December 7th:
This date marks the anniversary of the attack by the nation of Japan on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor.
December 7 is also the birthdate of Noam Chomsky who said, "We should not be looking for heroes but for good ideas."
December 7 also marks the date 18 months ago in Baltimore County, which gave us no heroes and a very bad idea.
June 7, 2011 is the date that Baltimore County Councilman David Marks proudly and falsely announced that he and four other members of the Baltimore County Council signed a letter denouncing the newly passed Maryland DREAM Act. (If there ever was such a letter, let Mr. Marks produce it, with the signatures of his County Council colleagues affixed to it.)
In 2011 Mister Marks claimed that he had arranged for four other members of the County Council to join him in opposition to Maryland Dreamers, children without legal status in the US who want and need to continue their education in junior college and beyond.
David Marks is so zealous against higher education for Hispanic and other immigrant kids that he claimed, back in 2011 he diverted a portion of his campaign funds into the effort to place his prejudices on the November 6 2012 ballot - where he was resoundingly defeated - Maryland's DREAM Act garnered almost 60 percent of the statewide vote.
No doubt, at this point, 18 months down the road, and having been repudiated by the voters of Maryland, Mister Marks would prefer that everyone forget that he is no hero to education, or to children or to his constituents. David Marks would dearly hope that we would all forget that he has shown himself willing to use his position as a locally elected official to lobby for his prejudices to gain purchase across Maryland.
Mister Marks, now that you and a handful of like-minded bigots have lost in your effort to keep immigrant kids on the lowest economic rung , you may want to change the subject.
But you cannot change your character.
Friday, November 9, 2012
". . . Are you gay?' I said, 'Nobody's perfect.'
Maizie Hirono, newly elected Senator from Hawaii:
"I'm a woman. I'll be the first Asian woman ever to be elected to the U.S. Senate. I am an immigrant. I am a Buddhist.
"When I said this at one of my gatherings, they said, 'Yes, but are you gay?'
"I said, 'Nobody's perfect.'"
Sunday, November 4, 2012
"Catholic Woman’s Loss Transforms into Struggle for Civil Marriage Equality"
Some in Maryland, such as the Maryland Catholic Conference, have stated that civil marriage equality is not needed because same-sex couples enjoy "many" of the legal protections that hetero-couples enjoy.
That would be like saying - as was said a half-century ago - that water fountains need not be de-segregated because there are plenty of water fountains that Black folks could use.
The argument was silly and hurtful then. It is silly and hurtful today.
Case in point:
Charlene Strong (pictured above) lives in Washington State. In 2006, she lost her spouse, Kate Fleming, to a torrential flood.
In recent years, Strong has been talking about the hurtful mistreatment she received from hospital administrators, and a funeral director who refused to acknowledge her relationship with her deceased spouse. As Strong told the Washington Post:
“They were willing to take the word of someone on the phone, 300 miles away,’
"Who knew her allergies? I did. Who knew what her wishes were? I did."
Her poor treatment at the hands of ostensible care givers and service providers has prompted Strong to campaign to legalize marriage equality.
Strong has continued her commitment to the Catholic Church - despite the campaign against marriage equality, which the hierarchy has mounted. Why? As Strong has said:
‘The church kept me from going crazy after my wife died. They were there to help bury her with tremendous compassion . . ."
“When you leave the church you can’t fix the church. You can’t be part of the discussion.”Sources:
Strong speaks to Zags about gay marriage, the Catholic Church - Spokanefavs
Lesbian answers bishop’s call for dialogue on gay marriage - Washington Post
Special thanks to Bondings 2.0, for its report and for the photo (above) : Catholic Woman’s Loss Transforms into Struggle for Equality - Bondings 2.0
Friday, November 2, 2012
With appreciation to MARYLAND JUICE for passing this along to us:
JUICE #3: CATHOLICS FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY BALTIMORE SUN AD - Last Monday, Maryland Juice reported on a full-page ad that appeared in The Baltimore Sun, which made a specious argument asking "Christians" to oppose civil rights. Now a group called Catholics for Marriage Equality is countering the effort with their own full-page ad in The Sun:
Scare Tactics Will Not Work in Maryland: Vote FOR Question Six
The Maryland Catholic Conference has issued a misleading final appeal, urging people to vote against Question Six, which extends marriage equality to gay and lesbian Marylanders.
Here are the reasons the MCC advances against Marriage Equality - followed by their refutation:
MCC: “It is not necessary to redefine marriage in order to provide rights and benefits to other couples.”
Response: The Marriage Equality law does not "redefine" marriage. When the public schools were opened to Black citizens, the schools were not "redefined" but were simply opened to all citizens. When public accommodations were opened to all, regardless of race, restaurants were not "redefined" but were merely ordered to serve everyone equally. When the Supreme Court told Virginia (and Maryland) that by-racial marriages were legal, marriage was not "redefined" but was merely made legal for marriage partners of all races.
MCC:“Many of the rights and benefits sought by those who want to redefine marriage are already available to domestic partners in Maryland.”
Response: The MCC forgets to say that in the very recent past, the MCC has opposed civil unions. It is disingenuous in 2012 for the MCC to asset indirectly that some second tier legal status is now, suddenly good enough for gay Marylanders.
MCC: “. . . is not discrimination to believe that marriage is to be between a man and a woman.”
Response: Yes, it is discrimination to bar same-sex couples from going to the courthouse to get a marriage license.
In the US, under existing laws, the government must have a compelling interest to justify forbidding some citizens from having all the rights enjoyed by other citizens.
In the case of the right to obtain a marriage license, there is no good reason for the government to forbid a license to same-sex couples and permit it for heterosexual others.
MCC: “We all know and love family members, friends and colleagues who are gay, but reserving marriage for one man and one woman recognizes the uniqueness of that relationship above all other relationships.”
Response: the Church is free to ‘reserve’ its wedding regulations as the Church sees fit. But these ‘reservations’ cannot be made to apply to non-Catholics.
It is disingenuous to claim to "love" someone while at the same time, campaigning against their civil rights.
MCC: Marriage between one man and one woman has been recognized by both government and religion throughout time and across cultures because it is the only relationship capable of bringing children into the world and providing them with the love of a mother and a father.
Response: Throughout ‘time,’ i.e., many different attitudes and practices have been “recognized” as the marriage norm. Many of these practices are forbidden under modern US law and are no longer followed.
In the past and in some parts of today's world, multiple wives have been permitted for men. In some cultures, girls and women were (and are) considered chattel, to be bartered or sold into marriage, against their will.
In colonial Maryland, white women were prosecuted and enslaved, together with their children, if they selected an African slave as a mate.
Well into US history, wives were not permitted to inherit property.
Going along with the times, the Catholic Church in Maryland made no objection to these unfair civil laws, which treated women as second class citizens. Like racial segregation, these unfair marriage rules were followed by the Church.
By ending racial segregation, the civil government took the lead and extened civil rights to those whom the Church treated as undeserving of full civic participation.
Once again, today, the official leaders of the Catholic Church, sadly, are on the wrong side of a civil rights issue.
MCC: Don't be fooled into thinking we can redefine marriage and protect religious freedom. We've seen it too many times already - if marriage is redefined, churches, religiously affiliated institutions, private businesses and individuals will be exposed to lawsuits and harassment just for expressing their religious beliefs about marriage.
Response: These statements are scare tactics. These arguments are no more than a veiled justification for discrimination.
In Maryland as in the US as a whole, no one can do business with the public and practice discrimination against certain members of the public.
Under existing law, no business or charity can offer services (i.e., adoption) to a heterosexual couple and deny those same services to a same-sex couple.
MCC: “And don't take the Question 6 ballot language at face value. What the new law redefining marriage pretends to offer as religious protections, it then takes away in language that has not been included in what you will read at the polls. According to the actual legislation, religious organizations that accept state or federal funds are excluded from certain religious liberty protections if they partner with the government to provide services to the community.”
Response: More scary language, which is intended to justify backdoor discrimination.
In Maryland, no agency or institution (i.e., Catholic Charities) can take tax money and then turn around and discriminate against taxpayers.
Claiming the so-called right to practice unlawful discrimination is a very poor argument against the right of citizens to be able to go to the courthouse and obtain a civil marriage license.
Conclusion: using faulty logic and scare tactics, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Maryland - unlike a majority of the laity - is campaigning against the civil rights of gay and lesbian Marylanders.
The Church is advocating against the civil rights of many Maryland Catholics, including couples and their children, who number in the thousands.
It would be poor public policy to create a two-tier approach to marriage. This is bad for couples, for families, for kids and bad for society.
Vote FOR Question Six in Maryland.
For the complete statement of the MCC, refuted above, click here.
"No one should face discrimination under the law" - Baltimore Sun
The Baltimore Sun Has Endorsed
Marriage Equality -
Vote FOR Question Six in Maryland
Maryland's marriage equality law protects religious institutions while affirming the principle that no one should face discrimination under the law
The case for Question 6, which would affirm Maryland's law authorizing same-sex marriage, is simple. It upholds the principle that the law should treat everyone the same. Marriage is both a religious and a civil institution. Churches, synagogues and mosques have always set their own rules about which marriages they recognize, and this law does not change that fact. What it does is to ensure that no Marylander faces discrimination under the law when it comes to one of the state's fundamental institutions.
Opponents of the measure have sought to confuse the issue by warning of unintended consequences of marriage equality. They claim that those who, for religious reasons, oppose same-sex unions will be persecuted. That children will be taught about same-sex marriage in school against their parents' will. That it will somehow rob children of the best possible upbringing.
Those are no more than scare tactics.
[. . . ]
Civil unions and domestic partnerships in some states have sought to afford gay families the same packages of rights and benefits as married couples — a difficult and usually incomplete task, given the number of laws that reference marriage in one way or another. But that approach creates two kinds of marriage — one for straight people and one for gay people — and that inevitably relegates same-sex couples to second-class citizenship.
Maryland's marriage equality law protects the rights of religious institutions to set their own doctrine and practices, but it also affirms the principle that the state's civil laws should not foster discrimination. Everyone deserves to be treated equally under the law, and for that reason, we urge voters to support Question 6.
Baltimore Sun,
Marriage Equality,
Question 6,
Monday, October 29, 2012
A scandal that brings shame to the Baltimore Archdiocese: dividing Catholic from Catholic
A brief reflection, prompted by the appearance in the on-line Catholic Review of an announcement of the opinion of a prominent Catholic athlete - he opposes the expansion of civil marriage to gay and lesbian Catholics.
A century ago many bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in the US were united on the subject of civil rights for Catholics. The bishops were especially sensitive about the mistreatment of Italian and Irish Catholics, who suffered discrimination in many areas of public and community life in America.
Today, the hierarchy of the church is of a different mind. Today, the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is campaigning actively in the Civil realm, to deprive many Catholics of Civil Rights enjoyed by others Catholics.
Today, to its greater shame, the hierarchy is even willing to encourage individual lay Catholics to denounce the efforts of other Catholics to seek the protection of the civil law for their children and for themselves.
Today, Maryland Catholics are treated to the spectacle of a prominent athlete, a Roman Catholic, given visibility in an official, Catholic media outlet, so that he might give his personal opinion; which is that gay and lesbian Catholics be denied the right to go to the courthouse and get a marriage license - a right which the prominent athlete enjoys but which is to be denied to other Catholics in Maryland.
America, for 150 years, has progressively expanded civil rights. America does not contract such rights; on the contrary, broader participation in public life is a powerful trend in our civil society. The expansion of civil liberties, the inclusion of more and more citizens in the circle of civic participation often is not easy. Civil rights campaigns are well described as civil rights struggles. Such struggles have cost people their liberty and their lives.
In truth, and in the interest of justice, there can be only one side for the Roman Catholic Church in the struggle for civil rights in America. The church simply must be on the side of justice. The church - to be true to its own justice traditions - simply must be on the side of the expansion of civil liberties. The church must not become an advocate in a campaign to deny civil liberties to Catholic and other citizens of the United States. Tragically, this has already occurred.
A campaign to deny civil rights inherently involves demagoguery, appeals to fear, encouragement of division and hatred. We see all of this today in Maryland, as the opponents of civil rights for gay and lesbian Marylanders exploit these themes.
Sadly, to it's shame, the current leadership of the Archdiocese of Baltimore is campaigning actively with the demagogues, the dividers, the haters. Scandalously, the leadership is coldly, cruelly and with calculation setting Catholic against Catholic.
We leave to future developments, the answer to the as yet unanswered question: why?
civil marriage,
civil rights,
Roman Catholic Church
Fr Dick Lawrence: marriage entails the mutual support and common life of spouses
I join Dick Ullrich, who has send an e-mail as follows:
Father Dick Lawrence, Pastor of St Vincent de Paul, Baltimore, preach on Marriage Equality.
Click on Link, Left Side Bar for Quick Links, Select Homilies, and then Select Oct 28.
Please share this message with others especially Catholics.
Here is a direct link to the
At the website, this homily is summarized:
Baltimore Catholic Pastor Preaches in Support of Marriage Equality and Conscience
The National Catholic Reporter also reported Pastor Lawrence's homily: Baltimore pastor speaks his mind in homily on same-sex marriage
Here is a direct link to the
At the website, this homily is summarized:
"The pastor again reads a letter from Archbishop Lori urging Catholics to vote again Question 6 – the Marriage Act citing the primacy of procreating and educating children as the prime purpose of Marriage. The pastor takes a different approach citing the equally compelling reason for marriage (since Vatican II) as the mutual support and common life of the spouses. Two approaches, two different scriptural bases. The pastor urges all to vote – and to vote their conscience."For a fine summary of Father Lawrence's homily, see:
Baltimore Catholic Pastor Preaches in Support of Marriage Equality and Conscience
The National Catholic Reporter also reported Pastor Lawrence's homily: Baltimore pastor speaks his mind in homily on same-sex marriage
Monday, October 22, 2012
Debunking the Anti-Marriage Ads
From Walter Olson's blog:
Maryland for All Families:
Anti-6 theme: “Children do best when raised by their married mom and dad”
"The first TV ad by the No on 6 campaign pushes the “maybe it’s bad for the kids” theme that has worked well for marriage opponents in earlier campaigns. No matter that it’s based on an absurd non sequitur, since Maryland is not somehow voting on whether or not gays should have or raise kids (they’re doing that already), but on whether gay households with or without kids should be able to form legally recognized commitments, advancing the security and stability of those families."
"At any rate, Annie Linskey at the Baltimore Sun has an excellent article examining the basis of the claims.
"The methodology and findings of the Regnerus study have been extensively criticized from many quarters; [Walter Olson's] contribution to this literature appeared in the Huffington Post."
John Corvino, has made a valuable contribution in his series of videos on same-sex marriage, entitled:
Debunking the Regnerus Study - John Corvino - YouTube
For Details on Romney's 5 trillion dollar tax plan - a simple "click" here
At Long Last . . . the details are out . . .
That's all there is to it.
Friday, October 19, 2012
"Government deals with marriage as a civil status . . . "
Opponents of the civil rights of gay Marylanders often argue from Scripture that marriage is about one man and one woman. So says the Knights of Columbus through a spokesman: "We are one with the church on the subject of preserving traditional man-and-woman marriage."
Marriage is man-and-woman marriage. And that's it.
But that is not it. Not everyone in Maryland reads Scripture.
Not everyone in Maryland reads Scripture in just the same way.
Not everyone in Maryland reads Scripture in just the same way.
In the United States we do not call in the prosecutor to enforce religious beliefs.
Judge Dennis Jacobs, a conservative federal circuit judge, yesterday (Oct 18 2012) made this clear.
Civil rights in the United States are not regulated by any one religion.
". . . law (federal or state) is not concerned with holy matrimony. Government deals with marriage as a civil status . . . A state may enforce and dissolve a couple’s marriage, but it cannot sanctify or bless it. For that, the pair must go next door [to the Church]."
In Maryland, this year, civil marriage equality is on the ballot.
The question we are asked to decide on Nov. 6 is whether all the citizens of Maryland enjoy the same civil right to marry the one you love.
In our society, there can be only one fair answer to this question:
Everyone who believes in equal protection under law should vote FOR Question Six on November 6.
DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court
A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled that gay Americans are a class of people who deserve the same kinds of constitutional protections as many other victims of discrimination. - NY Times
Thursday, October 18, 2012
BREAKING: DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court
This court decision shows why Question Six in Maryland should get a vote FOR from the electorate:
Same-Sex marriages are
constitutionally protected
just like other marriages
In a 2-1 decision announced today, Oct 18, 2012:
The ruling came in Windsor v. USA, a case brought by a now 83-year-old lesbian widow Edith Windsor.
The court ruled that "heightened scrutiny" must be applied in the case, stating:
Windsor's case was decided by the 2nd Circuit Appeals Court after a federal district judge sided with Windsor in June, 2012, ruling that the government must refund the more than $363,000 in taxes paid by Windsor following the death of her wife, Thea Spyer.
Windsor sued to recoup about $363,000, federal estate tax she was forced to pay on her inheritance from Spyer.
The federal government does not tax inheritances that pass from one spouse to the other, but because of DOMA the federal government has refused to recognize Windsor and Spyer's marriage.
In a statement made after the decision was announced, Edith Windsor said:
DOMA is not dead yet:
Four DOMA challenges, including Windsor, have been petitioned for review by the Supreme Court.
The Windsor ruling was written by Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs, who was appointed by President George H. W. Bush. The losing party was the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG), created by House Republicans to defend DOMA in court.
Source - which also has a link to the Windsor decision itself:
BREAKING: Federal Appeals Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional in Windsor Case - Poliglot
a Second federal circuit court has struck down part of DOMA - the Defense of Marriage Act (passed in 1996), which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage.The Second Circuit Court of Appeals found Section 3 of DOMA is a violation of the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
The ruling came in Windsor v. USA, a case brought by a now 83-year-old lesbian widow Edith Windsor.
The court ruled that "heightened scrutiny" must be applied in the case, stating:
"In this case, all four factors justify heightened scrutiny: A) homosexuals as a group have historically endured persecution and discrimination; B) homosexuality has no relation to aptitude or ability to contribute to society; C) homosexuals are a discernible group with non-obvious distinguishing characteristics, especially in the subset of those who enter same-sex marriages; and D) the class remains a politically weakened minority."
Windsor's case was decided by the 2nd Circuit Appeals Court after a federal district judge sided with Windsor in June, 2012, ruling that the government must refund the more than $363,000 in taxes paid by Windsor following the death of her wife, Thea Spyer.
Windsor sued to recoup about $363,000, federal estate tax she was forced to pay on her inheritance from Spyer.
The federal government does not tax inheritances that pass from one spouse to the other, but because of DOMA the federal government has refused to recognize Windsor and Spyer's marriage.
In a statement made after the decision was announced, Edith Windsor said:
"I know Thea would have been so proud to see how far we have come in our fight to be treated with dignity."
DOMA is not dead yet:
Four DOMA challenges, including Windsor, have been petitioned for review by the Supreme Court.
The Windsor ruling was written by Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs, who was appointed by President George H. W. Bush. The losing party was the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG), created by House Republicans to defend DOMA in court.
Source - which also has a link to the Windsor decision itself:
BREAKING: Federal Appeals Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional in Windsor Case - Poliglot
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Proud Parent of Triplets, a Stepchild, a Newborn Son
Here's a letter from the 10/15/12 Baltimore Sun, that is worth a second or third read:
"I am a parent to triplet 7th graders, a stepchild, and a newborn son. I am also a lesbian.
"This week, two organizations in which my children participate, the Columbia Clippers Swim Team (run by the Columbia Aquatics Association) and the Lime Kiln Middle School PTA, held fundraisers in partnership with Chick-fil-A.
"Chick-fil-A has recently been the butt of a media firestorm for its more than $5 million in contributions to anti-gay groups, including one group that is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of certified hate groups. Collectively, the groups supported by Chick-fil-A work to dehumanize LGBT people, among other things, labeling them as pedophiles and advocating for their imprisonment.
"Why would either of these organizations partner with Chick-fil-A in the face of this well-documented history? I wrote both organizations, and both promptly dismissed my concern as a 'feeling' and a call to 'political activity.'
"Why would either of these organizations partner with Chick-fil-A in the face of this well-documented history? I wrote both organizations, and both promptly dismissed my concern as a 'feeling' and a call to 'political activity.'
"My concern stems not from feelings or politics, but from facts: our children, some of them, have same-sex parents, but more than that, some of them are LGBT.
"What message do we send to these children when we are so apathetic about our choices that we can't see our way to choose from the abundant offerings of fundraising sites that are supportive of all people and all families?
"Would the partnership look different if Chick-fil-A donated to the KKK instead?
"The actions of both of these groups fly in the face of their own policies of inclusion. And the act of fundraising at such a site is, indeed, a political statement. It's just not a statement I thought either group would make."
Heather R. McCabe, Fulton
The writer is past president of the Maryland LGBT Bar Association.
Heather R. McCabe, Fulton
The writer is past president of the Maryland LGBT Bar Association.
Source: Anti-gay fundraising sets poor example, Baltimore Sun, October 15 2012
"I Have Two Fathers"
The best answer to those who campaign against the Civil Rights of gay people is reality:
Friday, October 12, 2012
HRC - Additional $1 Million to State Marriage Ballot Campaigns
Paul Guequierre | | 202-423-2860
HRC Commits Additional $1 Million to State Marriage Ballot Measures
HRC Four State Total now at $4.4 million
WASHINGTON – Today the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, furthered its commitment to marriage equality, announcing an additional $1 million in the four states facing marriage-related ballot measures in November – Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Today’s announced investments bring HRC’s contributions to the four ballot measures to $4.4 million and $7.3 million overall during this election cycle.
“There’s no doubt that 2012 is the year of marriage equality. When you have momentum on your side, you don’t slow down, you double down, and that’s exactly what we’ve done,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Our movement is about loving and committed families who deserve nothing less than full equality under the law. HRC is proud of our many volunteers and donors who have raised and donated additional resources to fuel this fight.”
In Maine, voters will be asked for the first time in the country to affirmatively pass marriage for gays and lesbians at the ballot box. Voters in Maryland and Washington are being asked to affirm legislatively passed marriage equality laws. In Minnesota, voters will consider a constitutional amendment to ban gay and lesbian couples from marriage. Throughout the campaigns HRC has provided financial contributions as well as in-kind contributions of staff and research to support the state efforts.
“Our adversaries have bragged that marriage equality has never won at the ballot box. This November, we will take that talking point away once and for all,” added Griffin. “In 2012, fair-minded Americans – and particularly residents of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington – will support their LGBT friends, family members, and coworkers.”
The Human Rights Campaign is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
HRC Commits Additional $1 Million to State Marriage Ballot Measures
HRC Four State Total now at $4.4 million
WASHINGTON – Today the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, furthered its commitment to marriage equality, announcing an additional $1 million in the four states facing marriage-related ballot measures in November – Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Today’s announced investments bring HRC’s contributions to the four ballot measures to $4.4 million and $7.3 million overall during this election cycle.
“There’s no doubt that 2012 is the year of marriage equality. When you have momentum on your side, you don’t slow down, you double down, and that’s exactly what we’ve done,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Our movement is about loving and committed families who deserve nothing less than full equality under the law. HRC is proud of our many volunteers and donors who have raised and donated additional resources to fuel this fight.”
In Maine, voters will be asked for the first time in the country to affirmatively pass marriage for gays and lesbians at the ballot box. Voters in Maryland and Washington are being asked to affirm legislatively passed marriage equality laws. In Minnesota, voters will consider a constitutional amendment to ban gay and lesbian couples from marriage. Throughout the campaigns HRC has provided financial contributions as well as in-kind contributions of staff and research to support the state efforts.
“Our adversaries have bragged that marriage equality has never won at the ballot box. This November, we will take that talking point away once and for all,” added Griffin. “In 2012, fair-minded Americans – and particularly residents of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington – will support their LGBT friends, family members, and coworkers.”
The Human Rights Campaign is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
# # #
Thursday, October 11, 2012
"if two people are in love they should have the right to marry in Maryland."
"Like everyone I know, I am planning to vote this November for Question 6 to legalize same-sex marriages in Maryland. The law will rectify an unfair situation which, if it were not so ugly in its discrimination, would almost be humorous.
"It was all right for Mickey Rooney or Elizabeth Taylor to get married as many times as they wanted, but two males or two females don't have that right.
"Anyone who votes against marriage equality probably is unaware of the institution's history. Men once took wives who virtually had no rights in a patriarchal society. And people of different races were forbidden to marry.
- Related
Gallaudet wrong to suspend official over same-sex marriage petition
- Catholic social teaching demands marriage equality
- For same-sex unions, the application of Scripture must be expanded
- Why I'm voting for Question 6
Share your stance on Question 6
Strengthening marriage
- Marriage equality is civil right
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- Marriage
- Same-Sex Marriage
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- Support Same Sex MarriageGive Maryland Families the Rights They Deserve. Support Question 6!
"I believe in love, and if two people are in love they should have the right to marry in Maryland.
Follow @BaltSunLetters for the latest reader letters to The Sun.
"So as a vegetarian and environmentalist, I was astonished by the lack of logic in a recent commentary opposing same-sex unions ("Protecting marriage isn't about hate," Oct. 2). The writer, a self-described "vegetarian" who lives "in a solar house," tries to argue that opposition to marriage equality isn't rooted in bias.
"His argument really gets into the weeds with the false analogy between a vegetarian who eats meat and a person who marries a partner of the same sex. Marriage equality doesn't redefine marriage, it simply ends an unlawful discrimination. Similarly, a person who gets a divorce or doesn't marry has no effect on anyone else's marriage.
"There are no legitimate arguments against marriage equality. Discrimination has long been part of this country's core, and good people have always come together to end discrimination in all its many forms. The fight for marriage equality is just the latest example of that.
Max Obuszewski, Baltimore
Source: Baltimore Sun, Oct 5, 2012
"Gays and lesbians . . . fulfilling the call to live genuine Christian lives"
"In response to Archbishop William E. Lori, Catholics like myself who support passage of Question 6 to legalize same-sex marriages in Maryland by no means disagree with the Book of Genesis and Jesus' words in the Gospel of Mark, which were read last Sunday in support of the Church's position that marriage is between a man and a woman ("Same-sex marriage foes argue case from the pulpit," Oct. 8). We simply believe application of this sacred truth must be expanded.
"As the Church itself acknowledges the existence of gays and lesbians and has thereby freed them of the burden of sin, so too the time has come to acknowledge that gays and lesbians can find partners with whom they can live a sacred life of love, and raise children together with love and compassion, fulfilling the call to live genuine Christian lives.
"Question 6 does not state that the Church must marry gay and lesbian couples; therefore, there is no need for it to take such a vociferous stance against its passage."
Jeff Konyar, Linthicum
Source: Baltimore Sun Oct 11 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Vote YES on Question 4 - DREAM Act about fairness - Maryland's Catholic Bishops
“Fairness” is at the heart of Maryland bishops' support for the Maryland DREAM Act.
Said Archbishop Lori:
“We consider it (the DREAM Act) a matter of affirming the dignity of these young people, who are here through no fault of their own,” Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori told the Catholic Review. “Educating these young people and making them productive citizens of our country is something good – a source of strength for our country.”
According to a recent article in the Catholic Review, by Maria Wiering,
"A recent poll found that 60 percent of likely Maryland voters support the DREAM Act, with 26 percent opposed and 14 percent undecided, according to Educating Maryland Kids, a coalition working to protect the law."
"Under the DREAM Act, students must meet clear criteria to be eligible for the in-state tuition rate: they must attend a Maryland high school for three years and graduate, earn college acceptance, attend a community college for two years before transferring to a four-year institution, and promise to pursue citizenship when eligible."
"The Maryland DREAM Act is not the same as the DREAM Act first introduced in Congress in 2001, although they share a name – an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors."
"Unlike the federal legislation, which includes avenues for establishing permanent residency for undocumented students, the Maryland DREAM Act only affects the price an eligible undocumented student pays for higher education in Maryland."
For more about this important ballot issue, come to an ecumenical presentation on the DREAM Act:
Morgan State University
Oct. 10, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
The Catholic Review: DREAM Act about fairness for taxpaying immigrants, say state’s bishops
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A Letter from Maine
Dear Friends,
This Sunday is the 30th in Ordinary Time – the plain-living-days minus the seasonal anticipation of Christmas or celebratory energy of Easter. These are days of reality: interacting with real people struggling to “do what’s right” for our families, friends, local communities and larger world.
This week, into this ordinary time, four U.S. bishops inserted extraordinary political demands. All abrogate Vatican II assurances of the primacy of individual conscience over Church dogma, particularly in matters of civil law and liberty.
400,000 Minnesota Catholic households received a letter from their bishops asking for donations to Minnesota for Marriage. It is a secular, political organization seeking a state constitutional amendment that would forever ban same-sex marriage.
San Francisco’s Archbishop-designate degreed that, “gay men and lesbians who are in a sexual relationship of any kind should not receive communion.” In New Jersey, the Archbishop of Newark’s “Pastoral Letter,” said that supporters of marriage for same-sex couples who “continue to receive Holy Communion while so dissenting [from his view on marriage] would be objectively dishonest” and should refrain from the sacrament.
Lectors in Maine received the Bishop’s mandate that the Prayers of the Faithful in every Mass until the November 6th election close with the priest praying:
Also in Maine this week, another delivery of Catholics for Marriage Equality/God is Love buttons arrived. That’s 7,000 buttons distributed since our 2009 founding! C4ME’s ministry supports those who are harmed by the hierarchy’s politics and encourages Catholics to heed their hearts and vote their consciences for marriage for same-sex couples. Let us recommit ourselves to praying together and acting together over the next forty days to bring justice to our gay and lesbian family and friends and sanity to our church.
Thank you for your part in this healing work of advocacy,
Anne Underwood
Preach the Truth as if you had a million voices. It is silence that kills the world. St. Catherine of Siena
400,000 Minnesota Catholic households received a letter from their bishops asking for donations to Minnesota for Marriage. It is a secular, political organization seeking a state constitutional amendment that would forever ban same-sex marriage.
San Francisco’s Archbishop-designate degreed that, “gay men and lesbians who are in a sexual relationship of any kind should not receive communion.” In New Jersey, the Archbishop of Newark’s “Pastoral Letter,” said that supporters of marriage for same-sex couples who “continue to receive Holy Communion while so dissenting [from his view on marriage] would be objectively dishonest” and should refrain from the sacrament.
Lectors in Maine received the Bishop’s mandate that the Prayers of the Faithful in every Mass until the November 6th election close with the priest praying:
Lord God and Creator,In the beginning you made man and woman so that they might enter a communion of life and love.We commend to your mercy the citizens of this State that we may be blessed in the knowledge and observance of your holy law.We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Also in Maine this week, another delivery of Catholics for Marriage Equality/God is Love buttons arrived. That’s 7,000 buttons distributed since our 2009 founding! C4ME’s ministry supports those who are harmed by the hierarchy’s politics and encourages Catholics to heed their hearts and vote their consciences for marriage for same-sex couples. Let us recommit ourselves to praying together and acting together over the next forty days to bring justice to our gay and lesbian family and friends and sanity to our church.
Thank you for your part in this healing work of advocacy,
Anne Underwood
Preach the Truth as if you had a million voices. It is silence that kills the world. St. Catherine of Siena
SOURCE: Anne Underwood, a mentor and friend, works with Catholics for Marriage Equality Maine
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